Saturday, October 9, 2010

Saturday Cats 10.9.10

Lord let her know that she's worth it. Help her to see you. Help her to see me.


You know how you laugh when I say that I'm going to take the kids and go back to my home state?? ya...I'm not joking.


Friday, October 8, 2010

Monday Cats 10.08.10

There is nothing wrong with our friendship; I dont have a crush on you and your gf doesnt bother me. Im stirring shit up bc Im bored.


I'm 39 years old and almost EVERYTHING I do is motivated by being popular.


I wish I could do all the things I wanted to do when I had the chance.


I pray for them every time they hurt me.


He's a 40-yr-old man who is married and has kids, and I'm a 24-yr-old married with my own kids, but I still daydream of what life would be like if we were married to eachother instead of our current spouses.
